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Consulting for Quickbooks

Our consultants will guide you to perform your Quickbooks by improving accounting and internal management control.

Our working philosophy is to accompany you in the discovery of Quickbooks, studying ad hoc solutions in line with customer needs, in order to use the program in an increasingly performing way.

Classification by cost centers, managements reporting, payroll analysis and business performance monitoring to take full advantage of all software qualities.

Quickbooks is the perfect, cost-effective solution for analyzing your data, comparing it with budgets, analyzing business areas, as well as providing dedicated sections for business intelligence. It operates in multi currency and multi entity on all kind of devices.

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All our consultants are members of the Certified ProAdvisor Program of Quickbooks. Competence at the service of our customers

OverEagles Omino Quickbooks

Quickbooks is the world’s most used software ERP with over 5.6 million active licenses.

The PROJECT function allows you to monitor your orders to check your business margins

Dedicated services for Quickbooks

Training and consulting for accounting

Once you have chosen the ERP that best suits your needs, the company faces a dilemma: how can I make…

Training and consulting for accounting

Once you have chosen the ERP that best suits your needs, the company faces a dilemma: how can I make the most of the features of my Quickbooks?

Our experience in business process analysis allows us to support our clients in identifying their needs in order to satisfy their requests. During this phase, all the business processes necessary for the business, the users involved and the information you have to manage each phase of each process are identified. Only after understanding the customer’s needs and analyzing the processes, the company’s needs can be transferred to the software. QB is thus configured to the specific needs of the company: this means that once the functional needs are understood, the standard functions are enriched with many custom functions (customized reports, cost center accounting, integration with specific apps).

Our consultants also support end users in using QB, showing them how to make the best use of the program, making the most of its potential.

We are available to offer training sessions modulating the offers sewn on customer’s needs, with individual or group sessions. We both work inside the company and from remote.

Integration with other APPs or management programs

Quickbooks International is an open and innovative ERP, capable of integrating a large number of external tools by synchronizing the…

Integration with other APPs or management programs

Quickbooks International is an open and innovative ERP, capable of integrating a large number of external tools by synchronizing the management data of the entire active cycle, the specific management of orders, the import of complex master data and the verification of the financial statement.

Our programmers have long worked with the developer section of Intuit (group leader of Quickbooks). Our technical expertise acquired on the work already finalized, combined with the relationship built with the Intuit technicians allows us to develop specific projects for our customers.
• We can provide customized solutions to integrate accounting data from external sources or extract data and analytics from quickbooks to be imported into other management or business intelligence software.
• We realize projects to synchronize data flows in defined areas of accounting such as active cycle, inventory section, payments matching, financial statement flows.

Business Intelligence & Horizontal Vision Solutions

Developing the area of data analysis related to the company’s performance, provides managers with support in strategic choices allowing them…

Business Intelligence & Horizontal Vision Solutions

Developing the area of data analysis related to the company’s performance, provides managers with support in strategic choices allowing them to:
• Reorganize company data in a simple way;
• Access charts, tables, maps and dashboards;
• Interpret the extrapolated information in a simple way;
• Create formulas, projections, queries.

The REPORT section of Quickbooks is the ideal Business Intelligence solution for SMALL and MEDIUM ENTERPRISES that want to have full control of their activities, allowing all users to produce Dashboards and data production in various formats. The same data can be read with various directories, always costuming the time frame where to develop the analysis.
• Sales analysis by agent, area, period, customer classes;
• Analysis by product, family, category;
• Analysis of costs and margins;
•Analysis of the performance of production systems.

Document Management - Without Paper

Quickbooks is one of the most innovative solutions on the market for document archiving, since every day we all have…

Document Management - Without Paper

Quickbooks is one of the most innovative solutions on the market for document archiving, since every day we all have to deal with two types of documents 1) “Paper” ANALOGUE FORMAT 2) “Electronic files” DIGITAL FORMATS

Quickbooks makes it easy to transform and preserve documents from paper to digital format, reducing the costs of paper consumption and all the indirect costs associated with stationery, toner, physical archive of paper materials.

The work of our consultants combined with the use of Quickbooks will allow you to:
• Complete document dematerialization;
• Share information with users;
• Organize information and distribution of content;
• Trace and easy fruition of documents;
• Get unlimited access to documents in total security, even from MOBILE.

An important feature of this ERP solution is that it is used completely in the cloud, which further extends its functionality, helping to simplify access to data stored.

Do you want to discover the best ERP to evolve your business?

Contact us now